Wednesday, July 1, 2015

One Chemo Cycle Down and one to go!

Finished my first cycle (3 treatments) of chemo today...yeaaa...only 3 more to go! I get a 17 day hiatus until I start the next and hopefully last round ever! One never knows fighting this disease if it will indeed be the last. You can only hope and pray that it is. I know I am just tired of being tired! My chemo nurse explained that the reason I am so tired this time is because I only had surgery 6 weeks ago and my body's immune system is working overtime. I was wondering why since I didn't have chemo for 2 months. Oh well, I will take the tiredness over the nausea any old day. Knock on wood, thus far I have managed to not feel sick at all. Good Lord above is looking out after me. Prayers are being answered people! Gotta keep the faith!

Yesterday I watched the biography on Carrie Underwood and had no clue that it would touch me just as much as if I had been in church. When she witnesses for the Lord it really touches me. Also, they played "Jesus Take the Wheel" and oh what a powerful song. I needed to hear that. I just sat here and cried and cried. I needed to watch that yesterday. Funny how that happens.

I am still praying that God will guide me in the way he needs to for me to help others that are going through something similar. If I can help but one person see that just because you hear the word "cancer" doesn't mean that you crawl in a hole and die. As there are days, there is hope, as there is a God, there is hope, as there is faith, there is hope. I know this gal isn't going to give up for anything. I am a warrior...God has given me the shield! Thanks for reading!

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